Saturday 17 May 2014

Create Social Content Locker (Share To Unlock) In Blogger


In today's post I am going to share a tricky trick that will help blogger users to hide their content and it will be only visible after a user shares that content. Yes, I know you are shocked but it is possible. This is very simple trick and requires just nothing except some straightforward easy scripts. Let us talk about look, features and uses first. When you add this to specific post for particular content or the download links it will look like following and when visitor shares to unlock it will disappear and will be replaced with the hidden content.


1) A very simple but attractive look.

2) Easy to access and no confusion for a visitor.

3) Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus buttons added.

4) You can add more buttons means easy to customize.

5) It will help you to increase your social enhancement.


1) The main use of this plugin is to hide any type of content in your post.

2) Most of bloggers use it to lock the download links.

3) To increase social appearance in targeted users as content will be shared by a person who works in the same field.

How To Install Social Content Locker:

1) Log in to blogger and go to the template.

2) Edit HTML>> press CTRL+F to search the following code:

3) Above </head>  paste the following script:

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
4) Save the template now.

How To Hide Content With Social  Content Locker:

Follow these steps to lock the particular content in a post.

1) Go to Blogger and create a new post.

2) Select HTML tab in the post editor and paste the following code:

<article id="default-usage">
<div class="to-lock" style="display: none;">
<!--Hidden Content Starts (You can Use HTML BELOW)-->

<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">
<img src="Add_Hidden_Image_Here" alt="" style="margin: auto;" />
<div style="text-align: justify">
Add Your Hidden Text Here
<!--Hidden Content Ends (You can Use HTML ABOVE)-->
</div><div id="mblunlocker"> </div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$("#default-usage .to-lock").socialLock({
text: {
header: "Share it To Unlock This Content",
message: "Yes, this is Social Locker. Just try it, click on one of buttons."
style: "ui-social-locker-secrets",
buttons: {
order: ["twitter", "facebook", "google"]
// twitter options
twitter: {
url: "",
text: "Upgrade your social buttons to get more social traffic!"
// facebook options
facebook: {
url: "",
appId: "408184445628791"
google: {
url: ""


For Facebook: Replace with your Facebook Page.

For Twitter: Replace with your Website's URL or etc. 

For Google +: Replace with the URL of your website or post.

Replace 408184445628791 with your Facebook app id.

Replace "Add_Hidden_Image_Here" with the Image that you want to Hide.

Replace "Add Your Hidden Text Here" With the text that you want to hide from users.

3) Publish your post now. That's it :) :)

Final Words:

You have successfully locked the content you want very easily. But here is a free advice from me that do not lock the content from the every post you publish because this may bring adverse effects and disadvantages like you can loose your daily visitors. Hope you enjoyed the post and will help you to increase your social appearance. I have not locked this post because I know you will share it without any force from me :p Thanks for sharing. Keep visiting, Good Day :)

Written by

Satyam Bora Is 18 Years Old Boy Addicted To Blogging And Technology.He Is A Part Time Blogger And Student Of Civil Engineering. This Guy Is Always Here To Help You :)


  1. dear friend Replace 408184445628791 with your Facebook app id. what does tat means will we have to make any sort of fb app or not

  2. It's great. But.. since i put on this, my blog is always redirect automaticly to How to erase it?

  3. he broh! thanks for u article, :D
    i will try :D

  4. my blog is always redirect automaticly to
    o what to do now???

    1. It always happens if you are trying to change the script or some parts of script so always copy and paste the script as it is so that it will work properly..

    2. i've trick - to remove the 'Designed By - ***** '

      Check on -

  5. Thanks for the article very helpful, But it only applies to blogger, I tried this code PHP with Javascript and have a good work. you can see here

  6. how to change like FP , Twitter, G+ => Share content blog ?

  7. Hi Bro I have already followed all methods which posted by you but it doesn't works kindly check out and suggest me how can i resolve this issue

  8. iPhone latest & Advantage ios releasing Dates in your City

  9. Thanks for this script .. Im trying it now

  10. I think shareIt.js is a better solution for social content locking .

  11. this is not working the java script u uploaded to dropbox is expired

  12. thanks sir. do you have like button widget to unlock content?

  13. Timely post , I learned a lot from the insight ! Does anyone know where I might get ahold of a blank a form form to work with ?

  14. How Can I Add Linkedin Or Pinterest Buttons>?

  15. How to add the extra social buttons with different style

  16. Did you know that that you can earn cash by locking special areas of your blog or site?
    To begin just open an account on AdWorkMedia and use their content locking tool.

  17. how do you hide a file (link such as mediafire or mega)

  18. It is a great tool. thanks for sharing.
    I have locked my content Job in Assam and get shared.

  19. Can you make this kind of script to unlock button for Subscribe to youtube channel



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